
Age 34, Male


Joined on 11/21/18

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Gregthelion's News

Posted by Gregthelion - February 26th, 2022

So it would be important to bring up recent events involving a specific country and a certain nutjob who thinks it belongs to him. Just know I am against the decisions of this nutjob and wish those in or from Ukraine are safe and away from the trouble.
With that out of the way, I realised I've not been able to do as much work as I could, but only because I went on holiday with family. and Guess what? that's happening this month too. I think with Lockdowns being eased off, the family is keen to go back to being more active and getting out more, not that I blame them; lately, the weather in the UK as been lousy to say the least.
Aside form commissions and other stuff I owe. I'm also working n designing some new characters. Not sure if they'll play a part in the current comic project of mine, but considering the context I highly doubt it.
To finish off, I've decided to start doing these Lineup posts nearer the end of the month. Gives me a chance to look back and even catch up on what needed addressing. Here's to March!

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Posted by Gregthelion - January 18th, 2022

Happy belated New Year, Everyone! With the festivities behind me and everything pack up for another 300+ days, it's time to get back down and continue work as normal.
With the new commission prices set up I expected a relatively small queue with the opportunity to work on Patreon projects and some personal stuff as well. To be honest, I never expected to be nearly as busy as I am now, not that I'm complaining.
However, I did sort of predict this and prepared a schedule of sorts. From now on, commissions are on hold on weekends so I can work on the Rough to Render, Patron sketches and anything else I've put on the backlog.
Well, here's hoping 2022 is much nicer to me and everyone else than '21 was!
(though, I have my doubts)

Posted using PostyBirb


Posted by Gregthelion - December 2nd, 2021


As you can tell by the image, I'm temporarily closing monthly sketch themes to catch up on commissions and various Patreon projects (Including patron requested sketches) as well as take time to do personal sketches. Additionally the reason I decided on this is because there's going to be a lot going on this month, even for a typical December holiday. 

Not only do I plan to change the monthly sketch motif a little bit by next year, I'm also going to rearrange my commission prices to take the upfront charge into account, because at the moment it's looking a bit messy. Depending on your outlook, this may look like I'm making the commissions that tad bit more pricy, but I'm hoping this streamlines the process much better.

And with that, I wish you all a Happy [Appropriate Winter Holiday] and a Better New Year.

Posted by Gregthelion - November 3rd, 2021

Throughout October I figured I'd look back at my tangible collection and do a spot of clean up of one and a build up of another. At the moment I currently have a HUGE Game Boy Advance Collection; just today I tried going through and see how much they were, could barely reach half through and accumulated over £500 via Ebay pricing. At this rate, the entore collection is looking to reach the Thousand mark. At the same time, I've been going back to Pokemon card collecting, mainly finishing up this set I've had for a few years. After that I can turn to a more ambitious collection of cards.
In any case, I'll still be doing as much work as I can, starting with some comms for a patron and sketches for other patrons.
Hopefully Black Firday and the Spirit of Christmas yet to come will be kind to me for the remaining months of the year. Peace!

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Posted by Gregthelion - September 22nd, 2021

September was weird month for me. Right up to the end of August, I knew I wasn't going to be able to work consecutively, but I have been able to make up for what I could get for the most part. Even now, I feel I'm gonna be shuffling around for the rest of the month. That being said, I did take some time to make revisions on my digital workplace.
First of all, many of you will notice the two largest pledge tiers have been retired and I have introduced a new pledge perk for Patreon. Now, Anyone pledging £5 or more can get a free sketch monthly.
And speaking of funds, I have added a new term to my commissions, which is an upfront charge based on the sketch of the pic commissioned. This is to prevent anyone from running away with the sketch without paying, as that has happened Twice to me this month. The upfront charge for the sketch would then be deducted from the invoice from the final piece.
Here's to October and hope things go smoothly. Peace!

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Posted by Gregthelion - July 19th, 2021

Sorry this one is a late blog. The truth is I've found myself in a motivational rut, just after I've done the Patreon essential work. Once all that work was done, I thought I could push on to what I had in the backlog for myself, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The sudden heatwave I got doesn't help the situation either.

With my Birthday coming up next month, I'm hoping things turn around for the better for me, at least for a month before everyhting shuts back down.

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Posted by Gregthelion - April 30th, 2021

With the last few months being excessively busy for me, I figured it'd be good to keep you all to date on what I have planned to work on the upcoming month, at least in small detail:
At the moment, I'm working on a commission for a good friend and I hope to get that done before anything else.
I then have May's Rough to Render to start on, which fortunately is a relatively simple one.
To celebrate a milestone for one of my Twitter accounts, I've set up a ****** which will be due on the 4th of may.
My biggest Patron, Sylvin has a birthday coming up this month, so I've collaborated with them on something bigger than normal.
Finally, to celebrate a similarly large milestone on my Twitter Feed, I plan to make a poll for what I sketch up to coincide with the next episode of Helluva Boss.
As for the sketch theme, the winner for may by a landslide is Fighting Game Girls, so patrons will be able to look forward to that.
Of course, I'll likely still be taking up commissions during the month, but if all goes well, I can get what I have planned for May done.
This is probably something I should plan to announce every month from now on, so Everyone's caught up with my status.

Posted using PostyBirb


Posted by Gregthelion - March 19th, 2021

Within the last couple of months, I've had my patrons suggest a theme to draw rough sketches out of. You may have seen the result of these, but for the first time, I'm making the poll public on my patreon. The suggested themes for April are:
1. Girls named (or have in their name) Arpil or May
2. Wet t-shirt contest
3. Mia (from the PS1 game 'Vs')
More information can be found here.
And the poll is right here
The poll will be available for two weeks, which then the theme with the most votes will be what I do rough skethes of throughout the following month.
I do have another poll planned specifically for my Patrons, so consider this a free sample.
If your interested in supporting me or suggesting a theme, you can leave a small monthly pledge to my Patreon. There are also extra perks for bigger pledges.

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Posted by Gregthelion - March 10th, 2021




Posted by Gregthelion - March 8th, 2021


Got this hot piece commissioned from DarkEros featuring my man, Panthera and Draconianrhythm's Sarnai
