Throughout October I figured I'd look back at my tangible collection and do a spot of clean up of one and a build up of another. At the moment I currently have a HUGE Game Boy Advance Collection; just today I tried going through and see how much they were, could barely reach half through and accumulated over £500 via Ebay pricing. At this rate, the entore collection is looking to reach the Thousand mark. At the same time, I've been going back to Pokemon card collecting, mainly finishing up this set I've had for a few years. After that I can turn to a more ambitious collection of cards.
In any case, I'll still be doing as much work as I can, starting with some comms for a patron and sketches for other patrons.
Hopefully Black Firday and the Spirit of Christmas yet to come will be kind to me for the remaining months of the year. Peace!
What set are you working on? I finished the Rocket set recently and now I'm closing in on the Neo sets... but some of those shining cards are way out of my price range so it will be a while lol
Currently I'm working to complete The Sun and Moon; Guardians Rising set. A bit random, I know, but I only need mainly rainbows and secrets from that to finish it.